Queenstown Climbing Club Calendar

We now have a public Google Calendar for all Queenstown Climbing Club events. You can view the calendar on this website and see upcoming events on the right hand side, and if you are technically inclined, you can integrate the calendar to your own Google Calendar, any 'RSS Feed' application, or any iCal compatible application (I think Macs are good with this?).

The different address for the different formats are below :

RSS Feed : https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/3llblo9s43geuqed64qo3vg7fg%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic

iCAL : https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/3llblo9s43geuqed64qo3vg7fg%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

Obviously you won't be able to amend the calendar with these links so if you hear of any events in the area that may be of interest to member's let us know and we may add it on.

Over time we hope to integrate the website more with other things like Facebook so watch this space.