Please excuse us as the website is updated over the next's been a long time coming, but it's coming....
Youth Climbing Camp in Mount Cook : 28th Feb - 1st March '14
Small Planet...Big Prizes!
Small Planet have offered up some amazing prizes for this years X-Wye. The prizes are not yet confirmed but insider knowledge has leaked a pic of what might be available to the lucky competitors of saturdays events. Drop in and see the friendly team for any bits you may need before the event or just for a friendly chin wag about where you've been on the rock!
Visit Small Planet Here
X-Wye Program and Application Form 2014
Hi Folks, We're having a few teething problems with the website so we've reposted this information, and the link to the programme and application form. Who knows, maybe you'll have to bring your winter climing gear if the snow keeps coming ;-)
X-Wye, Queenstown's Best Rock Climbing Festival - 24/25/26th January 2014 @ The Find,QT & Wye Creek
This year we are kicking the festival off with a "Short Film" festival sponsored by SteepEdge, followed by Climbing clinics with the best local guides, Climbing contests in the Creek, Food & Prizes at "The Find" and of course our signature event, the awesome, "X-Wye Climbing Marathon"!
The marathon is a fun team event (teams of 2 to 3 climbers) where people try to climb as many routes as possible. Routes are worth so many points depending on location, height, difficulty. You can score more points if you wear fancy dress and there will be some other more fun ways to score more points on the day. Anyways really good fun! Then we will celebrate at The Find, have a feed and present winners (...and non winners) with some great awards & prizes!
Sign up here by downloading the registration forms and emailing your completed forms back to us at
Program: Download Registration Form: Download
"Steep Edge" film festival to open X-Wye 2014
SteepEdge is passionate about the great outdoors and their mission is to make all the best outdoor adventure films available, no matter how rare or obscure, to watch when or where you want.
Something to wet you apetite? Check out this awesome vid by uphighnz;
[Climbing in Wye Creek on Proud Monkey Roof]
Whats more they are offering PRIZES! So come down to the adventure film festival tomorrow (Friday 24th - 6pm) at The Find. Register for the X-Wye festival and be in to win.
The mighty X-Wye Trophy!
Well if the bragging rights of winning the climbing marathon on Saturday is not enough for you here is another equally brilliant reason to push hard and defeat wye creek and your adversaries to take victory (and this awesome trophy) home with you.
This amazing sculpture/trophy was designed and fabricated by our very own strong man and artist Tom Van Den Berg. Cheers lots Tom you litteraly and meaningfuly rock!
Saturday Fancy Dress Marathon & Routes Released for Sunday Comp
This weekends X-Wye is all about having fun on the rock and socialising with lots of local, national and international climbers. If you thinking of entering the Saturday marathon compete fancy dressed and earn 50 extra points! Last year Owen Hale and Edwin Edino Hollins were definitely up there with their costumes.
and then...
Entering the competition on Sunday?
Routes for the climbing contest on Sunday have been chosen! 4 routes from 21 to project grade (30+). To qualify for the contest you will need to climb clean Beril Vibe (21) in less than 4 minutes at Hidden Wall ( a stellar climb put up by Rupert Gardiner). Other routes will be kept top top secret until the D-day. Get up there and see what your made off!
Local legends drop top prizes for X-Wye 2014
The guys and girls in our favourite places have been really generous and supplied lots of prizes for the X-Wye, make sure your there to get involved in the comp or simply relax in the sun and watch some world class climbing in a world class location. Once again a massive thank you to:
Patagonia (Let's Get Outside - 11 The Mall, Qtown),
Cookie Time (,
Lakes Leisure (,
NZ Shred (,
Cactus (,
Appellation Central (,
SteepEdge (,
The find (
Warming up for X-Wye at Wye Creek
Quick whip around with a hoover (chainsaw) and a few cobwebs brushed under the carpet (with a weed whacker) up at Wye Creek over the weekend! A good mission has seen the crag ready for a weekend of fun and games at X-Wye. Thanks to all the team for your input, big thumbs up to Owen Hale (DOC), Estelle Poiron, Guillaume Charton, Mark Dewsbery, Philip Green, Nick Odroft, top work guys!
Whilst up in the Creek the team checked the possum and stoat traps as well as moving several. There are also 6 new yellow possum traps in place, (please don't touch unless you have been shown how to operate as they are very powerful!)
If you are interested in helping with trapping please volunteer by letting us know here. And if you have never been up to the Waterfall by Zippity Zap it is a great spot to go for lunch if a hot day. Not to mention a few very cool climbs!
QCC Weekly Photo Comp!
Congratulations to Thomas Van Den Berg for his great pictures of Michal Karnik climbing the Living Tree in Little Babylon which got many 'likes' by the local climbing community. Although his pictures are (a bit) outside of the Queenstown region they still deserve a big thumb up. Thomas wins this Macpac hat worths $30!
If you haven't entered you photos for this weeks prize just jump on our Facebook photo comp page and get posting!
QCC Social Events this Week!
This week we have arranged some events that will let us all chill out together in the longer evenings and soak up some of the glorious country (without down jackets hopefully)!
BBQ TIME! - Weds 20th Nov (Tomorrow!!!)
Social Climbing Club BBQ at Frankton Beach (7pm below the Frankton Arm Tavern). We will provide BBQ + Gas, you just need to bring your own food/drinks.
Look forward to seeing you out there. If you need more information just drop a note on our Facebook page.
HERO WALL MEETUP - Thur 21st Nov
Social Climbing at Hero Wall - meet at 5pm at Fernhill carpark by the Fernhill roundabout, bring your own gear and lets go climbing!
Hope to see you all there on the ramp up to the weekend.
Good results for QCC Youth Team at Wanaka Competition
Well done to all the climbers who headed over the Crown Range to Basecamp Wanaka for the "Cliffhangers Comp" last Saturday. We were proud to hear that Tom Van den Burg and the Youth team all placed very well in the competition. Congrats on your achievements and doing your bit to represent!
Planting on the "Patio" at Wye Creek!
Thanks to a brilliant team of our club members we managed to plant 50 new native trees and relocate 5 others from the area. The "patio" is now extended upto Proud-Monkey-Roof and is made up by no more than 150 shrubs and Kowhai! It was the 4th planting day over the last 2 years and comes to support the project gold run by DOC, revegetation of the ecosystem to give more food opportunities for the native birds. This latest gardening job wouldn't have been possible without the volunteers and a big thanks goes out to Aaron Ford, Keith Brown, Owen Hale, Arnaud, Sam wright, Guillaume Charton, Niall Macaloon and Estelle Poiron. If your keen to get involved in future activities like this send us a message or jump on the Facebook page and leave us a note!
Special deal from Rock & Rambles - Snowcraft
Snowcraft Adult Instructions - Special deal from Rock & Rambles for QCC members: 12-13 October or/and 19-20 October .
Day 1: Basic skills using ice axe and crampons, self arrest, avalanche safety, anchors on snow/rock
Day 2: Ridge travel + summit. ($100+GST a day/person up to 4 persons - gear not supplied)
Let us know before the 5th October if you are keen! Facebook or email us at
#1 Debate - Dry Tooling - Deadline 30th September 2013!
Dry-Tooling Ethical Debate. Dry-tooling (climbing rock with ice axes and crampons) is a growing sport in our region and the Queenstown Climbing Club (QCC) is running a debate about this activity together with the New Zealand Alpine Club (NZAC), the Federated Mountain Clubs (FMC) and the Department of Conservation.
Therefore we would like your opinion about 'Dry-Tooling':
Should there be a local consensus? What recommendations would you like to make in regards to Dry Tooling around the Queenstown region? Would you like to talk at the October's debate session in Queenstown (Date TBC)?
Please email us: You have until Monday the 30th of September 2013 to submit your opinion. Following this a debate will run in October with interested parties.
"Queenstown Rock Ice & Mountains" Guide-Book Launch Party!
Queenstown Youth Climbing Comp - Sunday 9th June
Please see details of the upcoming Queenstown Climbing Club Youth Competition coming up next weekend, on Sunday 9th June. Apologies this wasn't on the website earlier, but it's a good reminder to join up, and get onto the club's Facebook group which is open for members as this was posted there a while back.
All the information is on the poster below. It would be great if you could email the club on queenstownclimbing ~at~ to register your interest, to get an idea of numbers.
Please come along if you are interested in this type of event as it will encourage more to happen as youth climbing is an area the club is very keen to promote more, and have more events happening.
Jardines Closed April 10th and 11th 2013
One of our favourite club spots Jardines will be closed on Wednesday 10th April & Thursday 11th April 2013.
X-Wye Climbing Festival 2014 - 3 Day Special Event!
X-Wye, Queenstown's Best Rock Climbing Festival - 24/25/26th January 2014 @ The Find,QT & Wye Creek
This year we are kicking the festival off with a "Short Film" festival sponsored by SteepEdge, followed by Climbing clinics with the best local guides, Climbing contests in the Creek, Food & Prizes at "The Find" and of course our signature event, the awesome, "X-Wye Climbing Marathon"!
The marathon is a fun team event (teams of 2 to 3 climbers) where people try to climb as many routes as possible. Routes are worth so many points depending on location, height, difficulty. You can score more points if you wear fancy dress and there will be some other more fun ways to score more points on the day. Anyways really good fun! Then we will celebrate at The Find, have a feed and present winners (...and non winners) with some great awards & prizes!
Sign up here by downloading the registration forms and emailing your completed forms back to us at
Program: Download Registration Form: Download
Wye Creek Planting Day moved to Sunday 7th October (was Sat 6th)
Due to the weather forecast this weekend's Wye Creek planting day has been moved to Sunday 7th (instead of the planned Saturday). It would be great to have a few people there to help out as I think the numbers are looking low going by the Facebook's great to show some love back to the area with all the fantastic climbing around it.
If you're a club member and not in the Facebook group, please head over there following the link on the right to become part of it as its often the most timely way to find out whats happening at short notice or find some partners.