XWye - Queenstown Climbing Festival (POSTPONED)
Pre-registration open now! Save yourself a spot, help us out, and bag a $5 discount in the process:
Pre-registration open now! Save yourself a spot, help us out, and bag a $5 discount in the process:
We are delighted to launch our first winter meet of 2021. This event is to get to know what we do as a club, share some climbing and belaying tips and find out what our members would like to get from the club.
$15 if you’ve been to Basecamp before.
$5 if it’s your first time.
Tell your friends!
More details on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/328168278965589
Come along to the 2021 Queenstown Climbing Club AGM to hear about what the club's been up to this year and our plans for the future.
Looking forward to see you all there for some catching up.
We have 18 good size Mountain Beech ready to plant near Upper Tier crag on Queenstown Hill. We can access by driving through the station so minimal walking required.
It needs to be done this weekend before it gets to cold and I'm looking for 1/2 a dozen volunteers to help
REEL ROCK Tour 15 presented by The North Face is coming to The World Bar & Restaurant, and will be hosted by Queenstown Climbing Club!
Save the date and fill up your chalk-bags people ! The Queenstown Climbing Festival is back for 2021 !
Registrations will take place at Altitude Brewery on the Friday 26th at 6pm. Meeting at 9 at Wye creek the following day for a full day of climbing, friendly (or not? ) competition, banter and barbecue. We are working on some exciting news for this year stay tuned, more details coming !
Participation for the event
$25 for adult
$20 for club members
$15 youth
Barbecue included on Saturday
Queenstown Climbing Club is running its 2nd Risk Management Workshop on the 16th of January.
This will build on the 1st workshop and again help better manage and eliminate risk when sports climbing outdoors. The workshop will run for around 2 hours and will be held at Magnum Wall, Gorge Road, Queenstown.
To book your place email queenstownclimbing@gmail.com with your:
- name
- contact phone number
- club membership number and
- a brief summary of your experience lead climbing outdoors.
Places are limited to 12 and workshop is lead by a local Rock 2 qualified instructor and Alpine Cliff Rescue team member.
The workshops are free and only open to existing Queenstown Climbing Club members. For the second workshop we recommend it is best for those with some regular outdoor lead climbing experience.
Key areas covered will likely include - Belaying, abseiling, use of prusik, creating advanced anchors, lead falling (to be decided), managing issues on the wall.
Note: The workshops will not cover climbing techniques and the Queenstown Climbing Club doesn't have responsibility for you or your ability to climb safely. The primary focus is to provide information and techniques to help you minimise and eliminate risk when climbing by teaching best practices in each area covered.
Reel Rock 14 is coming to Queenstown and we all want to be there!
Join us at The World Bar for a great bantering opportunity and get psyched!
Stay put for more updates on ticket sales!
Discounted fee for QCC members!
Our annual AGM - Come along for an update on the year gone, plans for next year and to vote in a new committee. Also if you have any nominations for the 2019/2020 committee or any items you want put on the AGM agenda it would be great to hear from you, just email the club at queenstownclimbing@gmail.com.
All club members, prospective members and interested parties welcome.
A great time to catch up with fellow climbers, check what’s ON and renew your QCC membership for 2019/2020! See you all there ! Diego Moyano, President
The annual X-Wye has become bigger and better than ever!!!
Friday 1st March 5:30pm
Registration, drinks + nibbles and movies
@ Wakatipu High School, 47 Red Oaks Dr, Frankton
Saturday 2nd March 9am
Fun climbing marathon + BBQ
@ Wye Creek
Sunday 3rd March 10am
Speed competition
@ Events Centre, Frankton
A fun team climbing competition for all!
Handicap start & prizes for best dressed.
Teams of 2 or 3.
Registration @ 9:30 @ Wye Creek Bottom Carpark
Competition 10:30 - 16:00
BBQ & Prizes @ 16:30 @ Wye Beach
Suggested donation of $10 towards our conversation fund
$10 for a (very nice) sausage and good cold beer.
One of Queenstown's longest serving, most loved and incredibly accessible crags, Coronet Crag, is starting to show it's age and will serve as a great venue for discussions, demonstrations and application of modern bolting techniques and best practices.
If you're interested in learning what it takes to create a route and how to bolt, come on down. We're going to be climbing, drilling, sawing, scrubbing, bolting, chaining and many other constructive verbs to polish this jewel again.
3 days, after work / business hours - 6pm until later.
While we can't promise Alex Honnold will make it again this year, lets celebrate the glorious summer, the fantastic rock, the delicious views, the weekend before's hard work and unveiling of the long awaited signage showing all your favourite problems and a whole bunch of new ones to send.
Lets give Jardines some love!
Thanks to the very kind landowners, we've got provisioning for improved access road so we're going to take a digger in and smooth it out. The ferns are growing like .... ferns, so we'll bring some whizzbrrrrrrbzzzzzzztringdingdingding machines and give them a trim too.
Lets plant a few new natives in the lower carpark!
This will give us a a lot more shade in a few years, plus being a wonderful gateway to our favourite climbing area.
Plan is to meet at 10am, plant a few and then get a few pitches in during the afternoon :)
The AGM is upon us!
* Discounted membership for the next year
* Discounted guide books
* Spot prizes
* Have your say
* And so much more!
17th August from 6:30pm upstairs at the Queenstown event centre. All welcome!
9:30 Registration opens
10:00 Time begins
15:00 Clock stops! Meet back at base of Magnum wall for BBQ, drinks and prize giving.
$10 @ Small Planet before 17th March or $15 on the day.
$5 Discount for QCC members
The Queenstown Climbing Club is really happy to have Brian Hall giving a talk regarding his very exciting life in the mountains from the Alps to the Himalayas and as a Guide to Film Safety and Rigging.
X-Wye Climbing Festival 22-24 January 2016
Make the most of the longest day and enjoy a night out under Proud Monkey Roof.
Meet at the lower Wye Creek Car Park at 2030.
Bring food, stove if you need to, drinks, sleeping gear.
Remember: no fires and we'll pack out everything we packed in.
A day of bouldering and fun in the sun to mark the start of the climbing season. Come along, meet new friends and reconnect with old ones.
The club has worked hard to ensure perpetuity of access to the Jardines Boulders and owners have been very generous to grant this with the help of QE2 / Open Spaces.
The new fancy new Jardines signage will also be installed in the new carpark location and it would be great to see as many members and friends as possible to celebrate this. The new signage has routes, boulder names, trails and much more, marking an important milestone in the establishment of Jardines as a bouldering venue.
Between the fun and bouldering, QCC will also be doing some maintenance and would appreciate any help:
Manaaki tangata, manaaki whenua: take care of the land, take care of the people.
Brush up on your trad techniques or just want to expand your playfied? Come join us, we'll have plenty of gear and instructors at the Gorge Rd crag on Saturday 24th October 1pm - 6pm.
"Trad" climbing is a style of rock climbing in which a climber places all gear required to protect against falls, and removes it when a passage is complete. Your mountain adventures are no longer limited by where people have already put bolts in place, you can explore everywhere. Some of the gear involved includes nuts (triangle shaped wedges), cams (pulling on it makes it expand) and slings, amongst many others.
Volunteers needed to help plant a load of new native foliage in Wye Creek.
Meet at the public car park on Gray St, Frankton at 0900. Then car pool to Wye Creek.
Bring some decent boots and a packed lunch. If you want to go climbing after then bring your gear too!
Let us know if you want to help out and we'll put you on the list.