A few words from Henrique: Hello crazy members, locals, climbers anp people who have the mountain as its favorite enviroment! I colected a few best pics from our trips this winter and would like to share with all some of the coooooolll moments we had up there! The focus of these expeditions was to explore the back country and it happened mainly at the Remarkables, Dulans Valley and Wye Creeck. If you have been up the moutain where there is no one around, most of the terrain is untouched and mysterious you have your idea of what its like! The freedom, the fear, the challenge and the climax after every trip are the elements that make these trips so especial to me. It is my first season and its been such an awesome time! New friendships and older friendships getting stronger! The outdoors has a lot to offer when it comes to friendship. One rely its life on the hands of its mates and the respect for each other is mutual and grows in every deep step on the white sttuf! Grand Couloir, East Face of Single Cone, Faulty Towers and many others became our targets and on our days off we went on mission to conquer these beautifull lines! The back country has so many natural features like the ones man trys to "create" with its massive machines leaving polution on the moutain!!! good quality beautifull snow is more often present in the back country, so if you are tired of waiting on queues for lifts, ugly jumps and hard snow and have started thinking of whats around the corner I hope this material will inspire you to have a go over the ridges next season. A valuable reminder: The back country is Gods enviroment, no snowpatrol goes up there to make any avalanches for you! GET TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO DO BEFORE YOU DO IT. People in the back country have take care of themselves!